Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Disneyland True Short Stories: Walt's Attention to Detail

The first Disney attraction to be completed was the Frontierland Stagecoach at Disneyland. As it was nearing completion at the Sound Studio in Burbank, CA, about ready to be shipped to Disneyland, John Hench, a Disney Imagineering Legend, was working on the finishing touches...but there was a leather strap that he could just not get exactly to Walt Disney's liking. And finally, out of frustration, John threw the leather strap in the air and said, "Walt, it's just a leather strap! No one is ever going to notice. No one is ever going to care."

And Walt stopped him and said, "John, you are underestimating people. Guests are going to notice. Guests are going to care. In fact, every time a guest comes to Disneyland, they are going to notice something that they've never seen or noticed before and that's what's going to keep bringing them back over and over again."

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